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туры Юта,

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туры в Турцию
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туры в Южную Америку
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туры во Вьетнам
Конкурс (Россия)

Ильясова Амалия

The United States of America. These three words hide an enormous power and something irresistibly appealing behind them. This is the country of liberty and countless skyscrapers, the sharp needles of which are directed right into the sky, to the top, beyond the clouds. They seem to show people where each of us should move striving after our goals and dreams.

Probably, the spirit of independency and unlimited opportunities hovered over this land even more then 500 years ago, when the first gold-seekers and adventures settled on territory of today’s USA. Hence, this state has been attracting tens of thousands people all over the world for almost half a millennium. I’m not an exception.

I fell in love with this country in my early childhood and year by year this feeling has been growing stronger and stronger. Through books, magazines and movies the image of Americans was distinctly formed in my mind. This nation seems to have such a unique trait as the ability to combine the patriotism and great respect to law with informality, directness, independent way of thinking and freedom in each motion. I want to visit USA and to talk to Americans in person precisely to prove or disapprove all the existed stereotypes about this country and its people. I’ve always thought that these people know how to live; they know the secret of life.  I’ve heard a lot, but have seen practically nothing. It’s vitally important for me to find the truth about the country which has become allmighty state within considerably short period of time. But the main reason is to experience the exquisite taste of freedom and power, to feel the incredible rhythm of life which seems to permeate every square kilometer of the US’s territory.

Meanwhile I do care about impression I might make as the representative of Russia. I believe that I could contribute something important and essential to American Russian relationship. On my part I would do my best in order to show our nation in the best way and establish firm link between two countries. I am sure that if I am given the chance to visit US it will be the journey full of excitement and unforgettable experience. And who knows, perhaps after having come back I will decide to write a book dedicated to the description of this little adventure in the most detailed way.

The journey of thousands miles begins with a single step. I want my first step to be made in the United States of America. вернуться